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Renowned OER scholar joins Centre


The Centre is delighted to welcome Antonio Martinez Arboleda, based in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies (see: Antonio is a renowned scholar in the area of Open Educational Resources, and is currently conducting a LITE project investigating Digital Assessment and Feedback (see:

Unbundled university MOOC launches


The Unbundled University, the Market and Digital Technology: an online course. How are unbundling, marketisation and digital technology changing Higher Education? Do you want to find out more about the unbundling project and its findings? As part of the dissemination of our findings from this project the team from the University of Cape Town and...

New journal article featured on front page


Dr James Pickering and Dr Bronwen Swinnerton's recent journal article is featured on the front cover of the March/April issue of Anatomical Sciences Education. For full details, see: Article title: Exploring the Dimensions of Medical Student Engagement with Technology‐Enhanced Learning Resources and Assessing the Impact on Assessment Outcomes

‘The higher education of the future will be more flexible’


Professor Morris contributed to an interview with Leiden University, ahead of a keynote presentation in January 2019. The full interview is available here:    

Prof Morris at Leiden University


Neil Morris will be speaking at the 'Best of both worlds: adding online experiences to on-campus education' symposium at Leiden University, Netherlands, on 31st January 2019. 'In his keynote titled 'The changing nature of higher education in the digital age', Neil will inspire us with current possibilities and developments that will shape the future. He...

Prof Bart Rienties SEC keynote


We are delighted to welcome Bart to Leeds next week to give one of the keynote lectures at the Student Education Conference, sponsored by the Centre for Research in Digital Education. The theme of the conference is Learning Spaces, and Bart will be speaking about his groundbreaking work in learning analytics.

eStars conference


Professor Neil Morris delivered a keynote lecture at the eStars International conference 'eLearning Stakeholders and Researchers Summit' 2018, hosted by the National Research University Higher School of Economics and Coursera in Moscow on Wednesday 5th December 2018. For more information see: A copy of Prof Morris' slides are available on Slideshare: Follow-up from the event...

Unbundled University MOOC filming


Members of the Centre for Research in Digital Education are involved in producing a MOOC for the FutureLearn platform, called 'The Unbundled University, the Market and Digital Technology', which will be launched in Spring 2019.  Today, Prof. Neil Morris and Dr Bronwen Swinnerton were involved in a 5-way Zoom video call with research collaborators in...

NEW research paper alert


This study attempts to investigate the dimensions of student engagement with technology‐enhanced learning (TEL) resources as part of a medical program's anatomy curriculum using exploratory factor analysis.