Research Projects
Current research projects
PI: Bronwen Swinnerton
Funded by Leeds Institute of Teaching Excellence
The University of Leeds is in the process of developing a Learning Analytics Strategy and Code of Practice to govern the University’s implementation of learning analytics systems to support student education.
Working alongside, but independent of, this implementation, this project will critically evaluate the implementation and use of learning analytics at the University of Leeds.
This project will assess whether the university aims and objectives have been met, and to address some of the potential issues already highlighted in the literature related to the implementation and use of learning analytics in a Higher Education Institution.
Research Project archive
The Unbundled University: Researching emerging models in an unequal landscape
PI: Prof Neil Morris, Co-I: Dr Bronwen Swinnerton
Funded by ESRC & NRF; 26 months
A joint project with the University of Cape Town, South Africa, exploring the ways in which higher education systems are being re-organised in an increasingly global education market place, mainly by disaggregating (unbundling) curricula and using digital technologies strategically to distribute provision across several individual more cost-effective components.
Gaming Horizons: Alternative framings for a new role of gaming in education and society
Funded by EU H2020; 14 months
With partners in Netherlands and Italy, this project aimed to critically challenge and expand the international research and development agenda around game-based learning and gamification.
EMoTICON Network
Co-I: Dr Aisha Walker
Funded by ESRC
Led by Professor Michael Wilson (University of Loughborough), this network links five projects exploring aspects of empathy and trust in online communication.
NETTUN : New Technologies for Tunnelling and Underground Works
Co-I: Dr Vania Dimitrova
Funded by EU NNP FP7; Sept 2012 - Feb 2017
Involving 21 partners from universities and rail companies across Europe, this project is involved in developing knowledge-enriched methods to support tunnel maintenance decision making, in close collaboration with SNCF, France.