During March and April 2020, Professor Neil Morris was asked to contribute to a number of Guardian articles about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the future of online learning, and the impacts on students' learning. Professor Morris' comments are based on research conducted in the Unbundled University research project. You can access the...
Professor Neil Morris wrote a blog post about scaling up online education during COVID-19 for the Higher Education Policy Institute drawing on the research findings from the Unbundled University research project. You can read the blog post here: https://www.hepi.ac.uk/2020/04/29/scaling-up-online-education-more-haste-less-speed/
Please see below details of events planned by The Centre for Research in Digital Education for 2020: February 5th 2020, 12.30-2pm – Seminar – ‘Dashboards’ Dr Liz Bennett, Director of Teaching and Learning for the School of Education and Professional Development, University of Huddersfield. April 8th 2020, 12.30-2pm – Seminar- ‘Learning analytics and wellbeing’, Samantha...
Current Centre PhD student, Fereshte Goshtasbpour, has published a journal article with supervisors Neil Morris and Bronwen Swinnerton on instructors' contributions to MOOCs. You can access the article here: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/bjet.12787
Neil Morris, Bronwen Swinnerton and Taryn Coop have recently published a major new study on the impacts of lecture capture on staff and students in the journal Computers and Education - the paper is available here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2019.103604. Highlights from the study: Students use lecture recordings during term time for learning, and for assessment preparation...
Antonio Martinez Arboleda, Principal Teaching Fellow, University of Leeds, UK and Co-director of The Centre for Research in Digital Education of the University of Leeds will be giving a keynote speech entitled Digital Education and Universities: Collaborative Solutions for a Global Challenge at The 8th International Conference on Informatics and Applications ICIA2019 from August 2-4,...
Our research symposium takes place on 16th May 2019. Follow #digitalleeds on Twitter for live updates on presentations, feedback and questions.
See article here: https://www.theguardian.com/transforming-the-student-experience/2019/apr/09/reinventing-higher-education-can-we-use-ai-to-give-the-lecturer-superpowers
Unbundling education: Mapping the changing nature of Higher Education in South Africa - impact report published https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/sil/impact/2019/00002019/00000001/art00015
Professor Morris recently spoke to Jisc about authentic assessment practices, and reflected on the value of a group-based multimodal assessment delivered on the MA Digital Education programme at Leeds. See: https://www.jisc.ac.uk/news/assessment-whats-the-point-19-mar-2019 for the full article