Recent publications from the Centre for Research in Digital Education
- Online Groups in Educational Settings: An Opportunity for Argumentation. da Cunha Junior FR, Kontopodis M, van Oers B. 2020. Brazilian Journal of Socio-Historical-Cultural Theory and Activity Research
- Academics teaching and learning at the nexus: unbundling, marketisation and digitisation in higher education. 2021. Teaching in Higher Education
- 2021. . Medical Teacher. , pp. 1-5
- Negotiating growth of online education in higher education. 2020. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education.
- Conflicting Logics of Online Higher Education. Ivancheva M, Swartz R, Morris NP, Walji S, Swinnerton BJ, Coop T, Czerniwicz L. 2020. British Journal of Sociology of Education.
- Negotiating the 'New Normal': University Leaders and Marketisation. Czerniewicz L, Mogliacci R, Walji S, Swartz R, Ivancheva M, Swinnerton BJ, Morris NP. 2020. South African Journal of Higher Education
- Unbundling and higher education curriculum: a Cultural-Historical Activity Theory view of process. 2020. Teaching in Higher Education.
- The Unbundled University: Researching emerging models in an unequal landscape. Swinnerton B, Coop T, Ivancheva M, Czerniewicz L, Morris NP, Swartz R, Walji S, Cliff A. (2020) In: Bonderup Dohn N; Jandric P; Ryberg T; de Laat M (eds.) Mobility, Data and Learner Agency in Networked Learning. Networked Learning Conference series. Springer
- The Influence of Values on E-Learning Adoption. 2019. Computers and Education. 2019
- Lecture recordings to support learning: A contested space between students and teachers Morris, NP, Swinnerton, BJ, Coop, T. Computers and Education, 2019
- Look who’s talking: Exploring instructors’ contributions to Massive Open Online Courses. British Journal of Educational Technology 2019
- Between a rock and a hard place: Dilemmas regarding the purpose of public universities in South Africa. Higher Education. 2019
- Twelve tips for integrating massive open online course content into classroom teaching. Medical Teacher. 2019
- Exploring the Dimensions of Medical Student Engagement with Technology‐Enhanced Learning Resources and Assessing the Impact on Assessment Outcomes. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2019
- How Comprehensive are Research Studies Investigating the Efficacy of Technology-Enhanced Learning Resources in Anatomy Education? A Systematic Review. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2018